Pastoral Structure
Craigavon Senior High School is a school where pupils feel valued and respected. We seek to ensure that our pupils experience an engaging, inspiring and enjoyable time at school in the pursuit of both academic and personal development.
What is Pastoral Care in schools?
Pastoral Care is understood to be caring for pupils as individuals with intellectual, emotional, social, physical and spiritual needs.
The School is very proud of the outstanding pastoral care we provide. We place all pupils’ wellbeing at the heart of the School, with an emphasis on values, character and a range of experiences to provide a rounded educational experience. All pupils are nurtured and encouraged, from the induction days in Year 11 through to every day of the pupil’s time at the school. Happy and secure children are far more likely to thrive in and outside the classroom and everyone who works at Craigavon Senior High School is very proud to go the extra mile for each and every pupil.
Pastoral Leadership
The Vice Principal (Pastoral) along with the Senior teachers for Safeguarding & Positive Behaviour co-ordinates the provision of pastoral care throughout the school, oversees all aspects of its work and will deal directly with issues of a more serious concern.
In CSHS we operate a House System which is central to our pastoral structure. All pupils and staff are assigned to one of the following houses, Mourne, Titanic, Causeway & Belleek. Each of the Houses are led by a Pastoral Leader, who oversees the day to day behaviour, rewarding, mentoring & pastoral care of each pupil in their House. By clicking this Pastoral Leaders link you can see who is responsible for your child's House and should be a point of contact if you have an issues relating to your child's experience here in CSHS.
Form Teachers
Each pupil is led by a caring Form Tutor who registers them in the morning and again in the afternoon. The Form Tutor cares for the pupil’s pastoral needs and is the first point of contact between home and school. Form Tutors are supported in their role by a Head of Year and a Senior Leader. The work of the Form Tutor is supplemented by a programme of study in Personal Development, Citizenship and Employability.
We place a high value on rewarding and promoting positive behavior. We are the only school that has dedicated staff development time on a Friday to recognise and reward students by:
- Making positive phone calls
- Sending positive texts / emails / letters
- Sending postcards / positive notes
- Logging positive behavior points
- Planning / organising class / individual rewards
We are not just a school. We are a family and we take pride in each and every one of our students.
new pastoral structure cshs.pdf